Saturday 27 October 2012

5 Reasons to love Tina Fey

Tina Fey is pretty amazing.

Courtesy of Vanity Fair

The reason why I'm doing this post now is because of her comments made at the Center for Reproductive Rights Inaugural Gala. Here's the video:

The video is pretty amazing, but so is she. "5 Reasons to love Tina Fey" isn't the most accurate title for how much I adore this woman. It should be "A million reasons and counting to love Tina Fey". Unfortunately, though, I don't have that kind of time. So I'll limit it to the best (IMO).

The top five!

5. 30 Rock
Fey has many great catchphrases from this show: "I want to go to there" and "Hipster nonsense. I'm out." However, I also appreciate as Creator of the show, she sets herself up with a lot of attractive Hollywood men, like Jon Hamm, James Franco, and Jason Sudeikis. However, the show is also smartly written, and Liz Lemon is a multifaceted character that time and time again I find I have a lot in common with. 

4. Amy Poehler 

Their friendship reminds me so much of my own friendships with my girlfriends. I only wish I had the opportunity to work with them on fun projects that paid us millions of dollars. So this may be more of a jealousy consideration than love. Nonetheless, they're a refreshing sight to see. Can't wait for this year's Golden Globe Awards when they host the show together. So. Excited.

3. Mean Girls

BEST. MOVIE. EVER. I don't think I need to say more. 

2. SNL

The Sarah Palin impersonation. Flawless. I don't think I can do it justice in words. So here is a video.

1. She speaks up for women. 

She isn't alone in this category, but she manages to be one of the most eloquent speakers on women's rights. Her  comments at the Reproductive Rights encapsulated how ridiculous these comments made by male politicians are. Why are men making decisions on how we govern our bodies? They're ours. Their comments belittle us and as she succinctly puts it: "I'm gonna lose my mind."

Rape is rape. There is no legitimate rape. There is no rape that could be thought of as God's plan. It's a terrible, violent act and by pretending otherwise is an insult to rape victims.

Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, stop talking about rape. Your words are a verbal slap to women everywhere and Tina Fey, thank you for publicly telling them that.

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