Tuesday 22 April 2014

The Dove parody we've been waiting for

A while back, I wrote a blog post about Dove's latest True Beauty campaign: The Beauty Patch.

I found the test insulting, as did many women and media outlets. The general consensus appeared to be that Dove in its attempt to make women feel beautiful, actually made them look gullible and stupid.

Enter Above Average Productions (AAP). AAP created a video that parodies Dove's True Beauty tests. The latest "test" involves a fake mirror the women will look into and instead of seeing their reflection, they will see a gorilla.

The best part of the video is not the women's reactions (although hilarious), it's the female doctor and "expert" who winks at the camera after telling the women to look at themselves in the mirror and then presumptuously and inaccurately narrates what she assumes the women are thinking and feeling.

I laughed several times out loud, so if you're at work, I suggest biting your fist before clicking play. Enjoy.

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